In 1982 EMI AMERICA released " DON'T RUN MY LIFE" b/w "ICE AGE" from the band Spys.
That's all I know....honest....who were these guys? I mean...it's not that great a song when you get right down to it. It's SOOOO dated. But this is just another mystery and I love mysteries.

At least Spys didn't have that far to fall......ROMAN HOLIDAY actually had a fantastic hit on MTV with the Ska-tinged "STAND BY" And all things looked good for a follow-up. Instead they released this piece of over-produced crap called "ONE FOOT BACK IN YOUR DOOR" and promptly fell off the face of the earth.

"Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" was a staple track for many DJs on Muhlenberg College's WMUH (Allentown, PA). Lots of influence for my musical taste came from WMUH...although Specimen doesn't make my top 20 list. Even though I was goth ;)
WMUH used to play a few humor audio tracks, too...not knowing any artists or titles, they are hard for me to track down. Do you know that one where two girls are talking on an old-fashioned "party line" phone line in the jungle, and they hear a tiger roaring and shout, "Heyyyy! Get off the line!"
I've been trying to find a copy of the Spys song at a decent bitrate for a while. Thanks so much.
Specimen! Wow that's a group I just to like!Zshare seems not to work can your post it again in another server please... I don't find the Berlin Express elsewhere.
Thank you. John.
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