I am proud to have known, ate, hung out with, and made music with at least a few of the ever changing line up of THE SCOFFLAWS. They started out in the mid-1980's in Huntington, Long Island . They were first called the "New Bohemians" but then some
sucky band in Texas bought the name from them ( DAMN YOU EDIE
BRICKELL) and in 1989 they changed their name to the Scofflaws. In my opinion the 3rd wave SKA revival in the late 1990's could not have HAPPENED without their incredibly tight, fun, popular live shows.

debut CD was released in 1991 and contains many of the staples of their live shows.
SKA-LA-CARTE (MP3) are just two of the many highlights from that CD. The live shows kept packing them in. I have many a great memory of seeing them playing to enthusiastic crowds in now long gone places like NEW YORK AVENUE in Huntington Village.

The second CD, SKA IN HI-
FI was produced by my good friend, their Bass player (and a fellow class of 1985 Huntington High School Graduate) Victor Rice. They wanted this second album to sound like it was recorded in Jamaica in the late 60's and I think they
succeeded in that experiment. Just listen to
NUDE BEACH (MP3) and tell me it doesn't put you on the shores of the
So then........a young sax player by the name of Nick
Martielli writes a song for our friends in the Scofflaws called "SPIDER ON MY BED" and wouldn't you know it, they record it and put it on SKA IN HI-
FI. This then inspires
Martielli to form his OWN band (and asks me to join in as their Keyboard player and singer) and we release
VOYAGE TO THE PALACE OF KALI. There will be a lot more on all that later, but long story short, THAT CD becomes a success, and I think the way we produced that debut CD of OURS inspired the Scofflaws to make a REAL , nicely produced CD called RECORD OF CONVICTION.

It had many of their most popular songs on it...just listen to the hooks galore in
I never heard of any of these guys..........
(HA HA!!!)
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